- Statutory audit on annual financial statements prepared under China¨s Accounting Standards
- Audit on financial statement prepared under International Accounting Standards
- Audit on financial statements for liquidation
- Design or audit of internal control
- Special Purpose Audit or Assurance Services( e.g. Merge & Acquisition Date Audit, litigation/Arbitration Support , Fraud investigation, and etc.)
- Agreed Upon Procedures Services
- Capital verification
Tax Services
- Tax authentication: annual CIT filing, corporate tax liquidation, tax audit, etc.
- Tax agent: assistance in tax registration, invoices issues, applying for ordinary VAT payer identification, tax filing, corporate tax outsourcing, etc.
- Tax advice: tax retainer, and periodic tax advice
- Tax consulting service:
Advisory work related to transfer pricing and Advance Pricing Agreement (APA);
Working out optimized tax advisory for restructuring and assisting with implementation; |
Providing tax planning service and permanent establishments for FIEs, and provide local tax compliance service ; |
Rendering advisory service and report in respect of Corporate Income Tax, Value- added Tax and business tax, etc.; |
Deal with tax dispute. |
Business Consulting Service
I.Due diligence service and post deal service
As one of the core service items, our due diligence service covers financial due diligence, tax due diligence, legal due diligence,
human recourse due diligence and commercial due diligence. We also provide valuation and purchase price allocation assistance, and provide consulting services for post-deal management, including daily financial, tax and internal control advisory. We successfully accomplished many due diligence projects and delivered the deal value to those MNCs/funds who engaged in the M&A deals in China.
II.Merge & Acquisition
Providing M&A advisory for foreign-invested enterprise and on-shore restructuring service for transnational enterprises in China. Our services cover company/business merge and restructure, business absorption, Separation/spin-off, Liquidation, Integration, Structural reforming, Valuation, M&A strategy, tax structure arrangement and Consideration/cash management, etc.
III.Corporate Finance
Providing financing solutions for the clients. Based on our connection in the capital markets and financial institutions, we could provide solutions on the cash flow for the client at each stages, including the introduction of strategic investors, PE, innovative financial products, debt financing programs. Especially we are not only the connection between the client and financial institutions, but also participate in it.
IV. Providing restructuring / financial advisory services for the proposed / listed companies
We participate in the restructuring / financial advisors of listed companies in China and overseas, which include IPO planning, and other consulting services such as the selection of intermediaries.
V. Set up and liquidation the company
Draft the articles of association, JV contract, obtain the government approval and registration of the new WOFE or JV company for the foreign investors as well as the services on the liquidation.
Financial Consulting Service
- Corporate accounting outsourcing, including assistance with preparing financial statement under IAS, and presenting analytical report to clients¨ overseas headquarters
- Assistance with designing and implementing corporate accounting system
- Design and assessment of internal control of enterprise
- Financial analysis and advice
- Advisory service for financing
Trainings and recruitment
- Provision of training courses in relation to accounting and tax
- Provision of trainings and updates in respect to the laws and regulations
- Provision of trainings upon corporate finance and operating management
- Provision of staff recruitment and personnel appraisal